Because of You 2019 | Generosity Story

Your generosity fuels all of Westside's efforts to make disciples, equip families, and share Christ's love here and around the world.

So, a couple of moments in my ministry have caught me off guard, from people and just the sense of thankfulness that you have in your heart for what God has done, and for this church to be a part of that and to be a recipient of that, my heart is filled with gratitude. My heart is filled with gratitude because of you.

I don't know what to do with a room filled with gratitude. It is a rare thing to see. Don't let this slip by you. What a beautiful thing, to be thankful before God. This is so wonderful, the holy moment. Thank you, God.

Thank you for loving God, for becoming like a son, and for sharing Jesus in this city and beyond.


Carr Family | Generosity Story


Margin KC | Generosity Story