Moms Together | Generosity Story

Your generosity fuels all of Westside's efforts to make disciples, equip families, and share Christ's love here and around the world. Thank you.

It is so awesome that Westside provides a space for us to meet and a warm breakfast for us to be able to gather in a safe place in order to build community with other moms.

So Moms Together is a group for moms of all ages. We meet together in community with one another, and the purpose of it is so we can build relationships with one another in order to point one another towards Christ.

Some of the stories that have come out of our group are absolutely amazing. And I just love the way that God has worked in the hearts and minds of our women.

I ended up at Moms Together through an invitation of some mom I met at Chick-fil-A. She saw me with my three kids and just sat down and started talking to me. And she invited me to come and check out what the church group had to offer.

Well I had seen the bulletins posted frequently for joining Moms Together, but it took me three years of coming here for me to get enough courage to come. I think the enemy was fighting against me. Didn't want me to have a group of moms in my corner. So I finally got the courage to step out of my comfort zone to try it out. And I only came one time before I realized I was in the right place at the right time.

Well first I just needed the friendships and the other mamas just to come along side me and walk with me through life's ups and downs with motherhood. And just also the spiritual aspect of it as well. Bringing God in and bringing Godly ladies around me to help raise my children and help me to be an encouragement to them was really just another blessing of this group.

I came one meeting and I literally felt like God was saying, "This is where I want you to be. And you're not designed to be alone. And you don't have to be alone anymore."

Because of her and her sharing, just her generosity, I was able to come and get plugged in to a moms group that I desperately needed when I had three young kids and had just moved back to the area.

Since I started coming, I really kind of opened up and shared a little bit of what I was going through outside of the group. And my leader encouraged me to get into counseling. I didn't realize that Westside offered counseling, and it was really good for me to start digging deep into the pain that I've been carrying around for so long. And then I realized that there was a lifeline for suicide survivors. And just going to that group, finally after seven years, it just made me realize that God has a plan for my life. And my destiny and purpose wasn't just to live, and exist, and hurt, the end. God couldn't use me because I was in such pain and in a dark place but now he can use me.

We weren't attending any church at that time, so because of that invitation, we started coming to Westside regularly. My kids got plugged in, and they have just grown and we've seen them come to love God a lot more. And because of that I've grown spiritually within this group and within other groups in the church. And it's just been a great experience.

I'm finally looking forward to the future for once. And to give my children a mom who isn't afraid, who isn't full of fear, who's going to use my past experiences as fuel and fire to just point my life towards God and where he wants me to go.

We're reaching moms at Chick-fil-A, at other play places, on playgrounds, where they may not see Jesus or they may not see anyone else. And so we're able to invite them in. We're able to invite them to a place where they can serve, and they can belong, and where they can grow in their faith.

I'm so grateful that I finally found a place where I belong.

You helped make these blessings possible through your faithful giving. Thank you.


KidsGiG 2019 | Generosity Story


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